Renewable Propane Production Pathways

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One of the less well known but no less important low carbon gases is renewable propane. This climate-friendly fuel is a critical element of the strategy to rural communities to participate in the movement to decarbonize the energy supply as well as present more low carbon options to the transportation sector.

Watch this 75-minute Renewable Gas 360 webinar recording to hear renewable propane industry leaders:

• Describe how demand for renewable propane is growing in hard to serve markets
• Share ideas on how to meet the increasing need for this low carbon fuel through expanding renewable production pathways
• Discuss how state and local policies can help incentivize the production of renewable propane


Renewable Gas 360The Renewable Gas 360 webinar series, held from June 2020 through February 2021, will provide continuous curriculum on the critical role renewable gases—renewable hydrogen, methane, propane and syngas—can play in helping states reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.

The webinar series is hosted by SoCalGas, Propane Education & Research Council, and Pacific Gas & Electric. Sponsors include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Bloom Energy, BP, California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership, CR&R, Fuel Cell Energy, GTI, Ingevity, Meridiam, NW Natural, Shell, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Southwest Gas, and SunGas Renewables.

The webinar series is co-produced by ACT News, GNA, and the Bioenergy Association of California. Endorsing organizations include Advanced Power & Energy Program at UC Irvine, American Biogas Council, California Fuel Cell Partnership, California Hydrogen Business Council, California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative, Climate Resolve, the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, Energy Vision, Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association, and Green Hydrogen Coalition.

Joy Alafia

President & CEO

Western Propane Gas Association

Rebecca Boudreaux, Ph.D

President & CEO

Oberon Fuels

Curtis Powers

Manager, Compliance, SCM

Renewable Energy Group

Gary Grimes

Director of Sustainability and Technology

World Energy

Tucker Perkins PERC

Tucker Perkins

President & CEO

Propane Education & Research Council