National & State RNG Supply: Increasing Opportunities for Decarbonization
Across the U.S., some of the most cost-effective climate protection investments have been in renewable natural gas (RNG) production facilities that reduce fugitive methane emissions, coupled with incentive funding for near-zero emission natural gas trucks. But as states design future policies and incentive programs, many have questioned whether there is ample enough supply of RNG to support a large increase in demand.
Watch this webinar recording to hear key findings from two recent reports that forecast RNG production volumes by feedstock and detail RNG’s unique ability to meaningfully and cost effectively reduce GHG emissions across all sectors of the economy:
- Renewable Sources of Natural Gas: Supply and Emissions Reduction Assessment from the American Gas Foundation
- California’s In-State RNG Supply for Transportation: 2020 to 2024 Assessment from Gladstein, Neandross & Associates
Plus, hear from one of the nation’s largest investors in RNG production on their efforts to increase RNG supply.

The Renewable Gas 360 webinar series, held from June 2020 through February 2021, will provide continuous curriculum on the critical role renewable gases—renewable hydrogen, methane, propane and syngas—can play in helping states reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.
Upcoming webinars include:
- Renewable Hydrogen Production Pathways
- A Primer on Gasification
- Hydrogen in Our Gas Supply
- Power-to-Gas (P2G) – Status of U.S. Projects
- P2G – Europe Takes the Lead
- A Renewable Gas Portfolio Standard (RGS) – Leadership in Other States
- Strategies to Mitigate Wildfires Using Forest Biomass as a Feedstock for Renewable Gas
- How Renewable Gases Can Help Municipalities Meet SB 1383 Obligations
The webinar series is hosted by SoCalGas and Pacific Gas & Electric. Sponsors include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Bloom Energy, California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership, NW Natural, Shell, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and Southwest Gas.
The webinar series is co-produced by ACT News, GNA, and the Bioenergy Association of California. Endorsing organizations include California Fuel Cell Partnership, Climate Resolve, the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, and Energy Vision.
Webinar Speakers
Philip Sheehy
Technical Director
Cliff Gladstein
Founding President
GNA | Clean Transportation & Energy Consultants
Ryan W. Childress
Director - Gas Partnership Business Development
Dominion Energy Gas Infrastructure Group
Emily O'Connell
Director, Energy Markets Policy
American Gas Association