Building Blocks of Fleet Electrification: From Pilot Projects to Full-Scale Operations

Webinar Date: October 1, 2024 at 11:00am PST

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As the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) intensifies, fleet operators, transportation managers, sustainability officers, and anyone else involved in the planning and implementation of fleet electrification projects, are under pressure to revamp their operations in line with new regulations and sustainability goals. But how do you initiate and effectively scale your electrification efforts?

Join our upcoming webinar, to hear industry experts who specialize in fleet electrification, infrastructure development, and scaling operations deconstruct the essential elements of fleet electrification. Whether you’re at the pilot stage or preparing for full-scale implementation, this session will equip you with the strategies and knowledge to drive success.

Join this 1-hour webinar to:

  • Understand the basics of fleet electrification and the critical components and considerations when starting your journey.
  • Dive into the power, cost, and time requirements involved in expanding from pilot projects to large-scale operations.
  • Explore how to optimize routes, plan for infrastructure needs, and ensure your fleet is ready for future growth.
  • Gain practical advice that you can apply directly to your fleet electrification efforts.
  • Get your questions answered by the pros during our live Q&A session.