Topic: Technology

Image: Adobe Stock

ACT 101: What is Waste-to-Energy?

December 5, 2019Waste-to-energy is the commercially-proven process of recovering energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) for power production.


Oklahoma EV Efforts by Tulsa Area Clean Cities

Image: Tulsa Area Clean Cities

Oklahoma Emerging as New Leader in Electric Vehicle Charging

December 5, 2019Oklahoma’s Clean Cities Coalitions have played an integral role in the electric vehicle transformation taking place in Oklahoma.

Tulsa Area Clean Cities Coalition

The Future of Fleet is Here, at ACT Expo

November 20, 2019ACT Expo showcases the applications of the latest transportation technologies, drivetrains, and clean fuels.

Fleet Owner

Preparing for the Arrival of Heavy-Duty Battery Electric Trucks

Watch this recorded webinar to hear from project partners involved in Volvo LIGHTS—an innovative project making the heavy-duty, battery electric freight movement a reality.

Sydney Vergis, CARB

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: How CARB Is Fostering Innovation Across Commercial Transportation in California

November 5, 2019Sydney Vergis of the California Air Resources Board, discusses how the state agency is working to drive change across the global transportation industry by fostering investment and innovation in California.

Image: Renewable Energy Group

Simplify Your Fuel Decision with Biodiesel

November 1, 2019Biodiesel is effective at reducing harmful emissions while maintaining high performance and ease of use.

Image: Penske Trucks

How Far Will Commercial Battery Electric Vehicles Go?

Learn the state of heavy-duty battery electric vehicles today and their future outlook in this one-hour webinar, presented in partnership with NACFE.

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Truck - Natural Gas Vehicles

Image: NGV Journal

The Time for Natural Gas Vehicles Is Now

October 23, 2019Natural gas vehicles are cost-effective, widely available, and substantially reduce emissions, particularly for heavy-duty trucks.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Image: Unsplash

Renewable Hydrogen’s Role in Securing California’s Decarbonized and Energy Resilient Future

Watch this recorded webinar in collaboration with the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC).

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Image: Dairy Cares

Cows Help Fuel a Cool Future

October 17, 2019California’s dairy farms will soon be more than halfway to achieving the state’s world-leading target for reducing dairy methane.

Dairy Cares

Image: US DOT

How Can Connectivity Improve Trucking Efficiencies?

Learn how connectivity can improve trucking efficiency in this one-hour webinar, presented in partnership with NACFE.

In partnership with:

Image: Nikola

Is Hydrogen a Viable Truck Fuel?

Learn whether hydrogen is a viable truck fuel in this one-hour webinar, presented in partnership with NACFE.

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Cows for Dairy Digester

Massive RNG Supply Boost in California

October 8, 2019California dairy digester projects are successfully converting a previously untapped waste stream into a valuable resource and producing a carbon-negative fuel.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Truck

Where Hydrogen and Fuel Cells are Today

October 8, 2019Across the globe, hydrogen and fuel cells are emerging as a solution for multiple sectors of our economy, such as transportation, energy, and industrial sectors.

California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC)

FCEVs - Renewable Energy

Image: UnSplash

Run on Less with Hydrogen Fuel Cells

September 25, 2019What makes FCEVs a good choice for decarbonizing heavy transport? We examine the similarities, advantages, and challenges of FCEVs compared to conventional internal combustion vehicles.


Regional Haul Fleet - UPS

Image: NACFE

Is Regional Haul Fertile Ground for New Technology?

September 24, 2019During Run on Less Regional, the North American Council for Freight Efficiency will host three technology days to look at how hydrogen, connectivity, and electric vehicles fit into regional haul applications.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)