Topic: Research

Red truck on highway near mountains during autumn

Image: Adobe Stock

Sensibly Navigating To A Clean Future

December 6, 2021With COP26 in the recent rearview, NACFE's Mike Roeth looks at how trucking is meeting the challenge to cut emissions.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

climate leadership award logos

Image: Volvo Trucks

Volvo LIGHTS Project Honored with Climate Leadership Award

October 20, 2021The Volvo LIGHTS project was recently presented with a 2021 Climate Leadership award in the Innovative Partnership category by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions and The Climate Registry.

truck driver holding chargers in front of truck

Image: NACFE

NACFE’s Run on Less – Electric Finale

NACFE has crossed the finish line of Run on Less – Electric, its real-world electric truck technology demonstration that concluded in New York City during this year’s Climate Week.

In partnership with:

truck driver holding chargers in front of truck

Image: NACFE

NACFE’s Run on Less – Electric Demo Nears Finish Line

September 13, 2021With less than a week to go, the North American Council on Freight Efficiency’s Run on Less – Electric is getting close to its exciting conclusion.

blue semi truck

Image: Momentum

NGVAmerica: Passing the Infrastructure Bill Will Advance a Carbon-Negative Transport Future

September 13, 2021The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 includes multiple opportunities to improve not just the health of our planet, but of its people.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Using Public-Private Partnerships to Convert Municipal Waste into Renewable Energy (Gases)

Watch this Renewable Gas 360 webinar recording to learn how organic waste can be used for renewable gas generation.

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State of Sustainable Fleets 2021 Launch Event

Attend the State of Sustainable Fleets 2021 Launch event on May 26 at 8:30 am PT to learn about what the latest fleet data tells us about our new clean fleet reality.

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Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Image: PowerCell

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Keeping the World Online

December 8, 2020FCHEA members include leading hydrogen fuel cell manufacturers with systems for the primary and backup stationary power market sectors.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

Blending Renewable Hydrogen into the Natural Gas Pipeline: Key Opportunities and Challenges

Learn how renewable hydrogen can be an important solution for the storage of renewable electricity and the decarbonization of our gas supply in this 75-minute webinar recording.

In partnership with:

Natural Gas Vehicle

California Renewable Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Achieves First-Ever Carbon Negative Milestone

November 21, 2020New data reveals the average carbon intensity of all renewable compressed natural gas vehicle fuel in California's LCFS program was negative for the first time in program history.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership

VW Funding image of money

Image: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Making the VW Diesel Mitigation Fund Live Up to Its Promise

November 4, 2020Nearly $3 billion is available in VW grants to replace old diesel vehicles based on NOx reduction, but emissions models are inaccurate.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Image: iStock

Green Hydrogen Visions for the West

October 21, 2020Green hydrogen is the clean strategic energy solution for today and the future, produced from zero-carbon energy resources.

Green Hydrogen Coalition

Image: ACT Virtual

ACT Virtual Kicking Off with Tech Demos, Press Events, Video Networking and More

August 14, 2020On Tuesday, August 18, ACT Expo organizers are kicking off a brand-new online event experience.


State of Sustainable Fleets Image of Report Cover

Image: GNA

State of Sustainable Fleets Report Provides Fleet Insights on Clean Tech

August 11, 2020The State of Sustainable Fleets report is the first comprehensive, technology-neutral industry resource across all fuels and technology sectors.

Fleet Owner

What Can the Evolution of NGVs Teach Us about the Future of Electric Trucks?

August 6, 2020Today’s robust NGV marketplace wasn’t built overnight. What lessons can be learned about the challenges awaiting manufacturers of tomorrow’s electric trucks?

State of Sustainable Fleets Photo

Image: iStock

State of Sustainable Fleets Reports on Clean Tech Across Fuels & Sectors

July 29, 2020The State of Sustainable Fleets report is the first technology-neutral industry resource across all fuels and technology sectors.