Topic: Policy

Image: Luca Micheli/UnSplash

Los Angeles Needs a Zero Emissions Delivery Zone

February 13, 2020A pilot project zero emissions delivery zone is a key milestone for Los Angeles and would serve as a model to accelerate transportation electrification.

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)

Air Quality

Los Angeles Takes Steps to Improve Air Quality and Public Health

February 5, 2020BREATHE LA has called for the elimination of diesel trucks at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in an effort to improve air quality and public health.

BREATHE Southern California

Transportation Electrification Roadmap

Image: LACI

A Call to Action: Accelerating Transportation Electrification in Los Angeles

January 16, 2020A transportation electrification partnership released the Zero Emissions Roadmap 2.0, an ambitious plan detailing the pathway to create a zero emissions transportation future for the greater Los Angeles region.

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)

Renewable Gas 360 - Renewable Energy

Accelerating California’s Renewable Energy Economy

January 9, 2020The Renewable Gas 360 symposium has raised awareness among California's policymakers of the important role that renewable gases can and should play to build a long-term sustainable economy.


Image: Unsplash

How Can You Partner with Dairy Farmers to Create a More Sustainable Future?

January 7, 2020The California Dairy Sustainability Summit offers an opportunity to connect with progressive dairy farmers and help them meet environmental and economic goals.

Dairy Cares

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Truck

Image: ACT Expo

A Year in Hydrogen: Innovative Products, Progressive Policies, and New Players Emerge

January 3, 20202019 was a great year for fuel cells and hydrogen. The growth and viability of the industry was demonstrated by more products, new players, and policies that are setting 2020 up to be an exciting start to a decade of progress.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

Image: Dairy Cares

2020 California Dairy Sustainability Summit Agenda Takes Head-On Approach to Challenges

December 5, 2019The California Dairy Sustainability Summit will return to Sacramento on March 25-26, 2020, providing an even more robust and impactful program.

Dairy Cares

The Future of Fleet is Here, at ACT Expo

November 20, 2019ACT Expo showcases the applications of the latest transportation technologies, drivetrains, and clean fuels.

Fleet Owner

Sydney Vergis, CARB

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: How CARB Is Fostering Innovation Across Commercial Transportation in California

November 5, 2019Sydney Vergis of the California Air Resources Board, discusses how the state agency is working to drive change across the global transportation industry by fostering investment and innovation in California.

Southern California’s Polluted Air Problem: A Call to End Diesel Now

October 28, 2019Due to climate change, increasing transportation emissions, and a lack of political will, Southern California is falling behind its counterparts in major European cities in reducing air pollution.

BREATHE Southern California

Renewable Gas 360

Early Bird Registration Is Open for Renewable Gas 360

October 22, 2019Renewable Gas 360 brings together California policymakers, climate advocates, and renewable industry representatives to discuss the benefits of renewable gases.

Renewable Gas 360

Federal government advances fuel cell technology

Image: Unsplash

Federal Policies Are Advancing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy

October 8, 2019Bipartisan, bicameral support for National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day reflects the longstanding belief in the energy, environmental, and economic benefits of these technologies across the United States Government.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

California Truck Regulation

Image: UnSplash

Zero Emission Truck Regulations on the California Horizon

October 1, 2019California’s ACT regulation will soon affect both fleets and vehicle manufacturers—planning now will help them better prepare for deploying ZEVs.

Fleet Owner


Image: TraPac

Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports: The Voyage to Cleaner Air Throughout Los Angeles County

August 27, 2019The Los Angeles and Long Beach ports have been taking a holistic strategy to reduce pollution from transportation through The Clean Air Action Plan.

BREATHE Southern California

Climate Change and White House

Image: UnSplash

Facts Not Furor: What the 2020 Candidates Should Be Focused On

August 5, 2019Close to two dozen Democrats took to podiums to share their vision for America. Their discussion on climate change glossed over a very real and pressing environmental and public health truth.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

IMO Regulation and its Unknown Impact to Shipping

The Impending IMO Regulation and its Unknown Impact to Shipping

July 2, 2019A looming IMO regulation will require all ocean-going vessels to burn fuel containing no more than 0.5% sulfur. Is the world ready for this massive transition?