Topic: Funding

ACT Expo Webinar Series

Image: GNA

ACT Expo Webinar Series Charts Sustainable, Connected Future

May 27, 2021ACT Expo and ACT News to co-host webinar series leading up to 10th Annual ACT Expo taking place from August 30 to September 2 in Long Beach.

ACT Expo

VW Funding Webinar June 9, 11:00am PT

Image: South Coast AQMD

Secure Funding for California Combustion Freight & Marine Projects

Watch this webinar recording from the SCAQMD to learn about the second solicitation of $26 million in Volkswagen Settlement funding available to entities throughout California for Combustion Freight and Marine Projects.

In partnership with:

Electric Truck Bootcamp #5: Incentives for Electrification

The fifth webinar in the Electric Truck Bootcamp series explains how incentives can drive electrification forward.

In partnership with:

Advanced Clean Fleets rule will support RNG

Image: Kruse Western Renewable Fuels

Advanced Clean Fleets Rule: What it Means for Funding and Incentives

April 26, 2021Advanced Clean Fleets Rule overview featured in a complimentary webinar on May 6, 2pm PT, on California's goal for zero-emission fleets.

Valley Fleet Support

Spring Refresh 2021: Central Valley Fleet Regulations and Incentives

Watch this webinar from VFS & ACT News on current & emerging key rules & regulations, funding, & other support available for Central Valley fleets.

In partnership with:

Electric Truck Bootcamp #4: Working with Your Utility

The fourth webinar in the Electric Truck Bootcamp gives insight into best practices for successfully partnering with your local utility.

In partnership with:

EPA Administrator Michael Regan oversees DERA

Image: U.S. EPA

An Open Letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan on DERA Funding

April 13, 2021There are opportunities to improve DERA and align the program with the Biden Administration’s climate and environmental justice goals.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Electric Truck Bootcamp #2: Charging 101 – Planning & Buildout

NACFE and RMI's second webinar in the Electric Truck Bootcamp series gives fleets insight into developing EV charging infrastructure.

In partnership with:

South Coast AQMD program image

Image: Port of Long Beach

South Coast AQMD Targets HD Trucks in Prop 1B Upgrades

February 4, 2021February 16: One-hour complimentary webinar hosted by South Coast AQMD on how to secure funding from Prop 1B program.

Image: Port of Long Beach

Secure Funding from California Proposition 1B Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program

Watch this SCAQMD webinar recording to learn how to apply Proposition 1B funding available for Port Drayage & other Goods Movement Heavy-Duty trucks.

In partnership with:

President Biden plans to fund clean transportation.

Image: Creative Commons

Will the Biden Administration Fund our Clean Transportation Future?

January 25, 2021The Biden Plan and modifications to well-funded incentive programs will dramatically change how fleets access and secure clean vehicle funds.


RFS image of US Capitol

Image: Unsplash

ACT 101: Overview of the Renewable Fuel Standard

November 17, 2020The RFS is a market-based program launched under the Clean Air Act in 2005 to reduce carbon by increasing consumption of renewable fuels.


VW Funding image of money

Image: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Making the VW Diesel Mitigation Fund Live Up to Its Promise

November 4, 2020Nearly $3 billion is available in VW grants to replace old diesel vehicles based on NOx reduction, but emissions models are inaccurate.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Emmissions reduction targets illustrated

Choosing the Right Road to Lower Emissions Today

October 28, 2020Analyses of public-funded Fleet Transition Programs show that RCNG/RLNG vehicles are key to meeting strict emissions reduction targets.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

EV Heavy-Duty Truck

Image: SDG&E

Reducing the Cost of Medium- and Heavy-Duty EVs and Speeding up ROI

Watch this EV webinar from ACT News & San Diego Gas & Electric to learn about funding opportunities for deploying EVs.

In partnership with:

Electric refuse truck

New Mack LR Electric Demonstration Vehicle Introduced by DSNY for Climate Week NYC

October 2, 2020Mack Trucks delivered a Mack LR Electric refuse truck for demonstration to New York City Department of Sanitation during Climate Week NYC.

Empire Clean Cities