Fuel / Technology: Propane Autogas

CMAQ Could Fund These Alternative Fuel Trucks

CMAQ Rule Simplification May Free Up Millions in Funding for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

January 24, 2019The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program has historically provided millions of dollars of funding for clean vehicle projects.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo to Recognize Sustainable Transportation Leaders

December 13, 2018The ACT Expo Fleet Awards are the ultimate recognition of fleet operators who show true leadership in clean transportation—having gone above and beyond to achieve sustainability in their transportation operations.

ACT Expo

Fleets for the Future Completes First Phase of Procurement

December 12, 2018Fleets for the Future is a national initiative that enables public fleets to consolidate bulk orders of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure.

Clean Communities of Central New York (CC of CNY)

A Reflection on the Last 25 Years at GNA

December 10, 2018As GNA celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Cliff Gladstein, President of GNA, reflects on the past 25 years in clean transportation and looks to the next 25 years.


Renewable Propane Autogas and Low NOx Engines Reduce Emissions

Image: ROUSH CleanTech

Propane Autogas Innovation Sets New Standards

December 5, 2018Propane autogas is raising the bar for what it means to be a clean fuel for commercial fleets.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Image: ACT Expo

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: ROUSH CleanTech Calif. Roadshow to Showcase Near-Zero Engine

October 24, 2018Todd Mouw, President of ROUSH CleanTech, shared how commitment to the needs of customers drives innovation across their alternative fuel platforms.

The First VW Settlement Projects Have Been Funded

October 11, 2018With recent announcements by Louisiana and Pennsylvania kicking off the first rounds of VW funding awards, now is the time to apply for funds.


Image: GNA

GNA Surpasses $500 Million in Grants and Incentives for Clean Transportation Projects

September 27, 2018GNA announced they have secured over $500 million in grants and incentives on behalf of clients across the commercial transportation and energy sectors.


Pittsburgh: From Steel to Sustainability

August 30, 2018Pittsburgh, recently named the second most livable city in the U.S., is driving innovation across its transportation sector to achieve emission reductions.

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities

Propane Autogas Shuttle Van with Cost-Effective Emissions Reductions

Image: PERC

Propane Autogas as an Affordable Solution to Reduce Fleet Emissions

August 1, 2018Propane autogas is an alternative fuel that provides fleets with the clean emissions profile they seek, at an affordable cost. Plus, it offers proven performance without the growing pains newer alternative energy options may still be dealing with.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

The Funding Fireworks Show Is About to Start, Where Will You Be?

July 5, 2018Utilities and states across the country lead with substantial investments in clean transportation projects and a commitment to reducing emissions.


Propane Autogas Bus

Image: Alliance Autogas

Propane Autogas School Bus Registrations on 5-Year Roll

June 14, 2018Nationally, propane autogas is continuing an impressive five-year run in which registrations for propane autogas school buses have increased by 700 percent.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Help Disaster Recovery, Fleet Resiliency

June 12, 2018Vehicles that run on an alternative fuel – such as biodiesel, electricity, natural gas, and propane – can help build system resiliency by diversifying an emergency response fleet if a storm or other emergency disrupts a state’s primary fuel supply.

Clean Communities of Central New York (CC of CNY)

final VW settlement plans

Image: ACT News

FUNDING: Get Ready to Drink from the VW Firehose

June 6, 2018Final VW settlement plans open up for applicants in several states across the U.S. and school districts among the early winners.

Fleet Owner

NYC Fleet Driving the Road to Sustainability

June 1, 2018New York City has always been one of the nation’s leaders when it comes to fleet sustainability efforts. The New York City Fleet (NYC Fleet) is operating what is probably the widest variety of alternative power vehicles and technologies in the nation.


Clean School Buses

Image: Pixabay

4 Ways School Districts Can Clean Buses & Boost Bottom Lines

May 9, 2018Cleaning up school buses benefits both school districts’ bottom lines and the health of the students they serve. Here are 4 ways to clean school buses.

Houston-Galveston Area Council