Fuel / Technology: Propane Autogas

Image: Gage Skidmore via flickr

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Would Help California meet its Climate Goals

June 23, 2021President Biden's infrastructure plan uses an expansive definition that includes roads, homes, highways, bridges, water system and the electricity grid.

BREATHE Southern California

Propane autogas delivery

Image: PERC

Propane Autogas Provides Energy Supply Resiliency

June 10, 2021Propane autogas is a portable, clean energy source that not only keeps fleets operating smoothly every day, but also during times of crisis.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

VW Funding Webinar June 9, 11:00am PT

Image: South Coast AQMD

VW Funding for Combustion Freight and Marine Projects Available Statewide in June

May 27, 2021For a comprensive overview of available funding, join South Coast AQMD for a one-hour complimentary webinar on June 9th at 11:00am PT.

Image: GNA

2021 State of Sustainable Fleets Shows Continued Growth of Clean Tech Availability, Adoption

May 26, 2021GNA’s 2021 Market and Trends Brief shows that even with the COVID-19 pandemic, the clean tech industry made progressive, sustainable steps.


ACT Expo Main Stage

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo Announces Agenda, Upcoming Webinar Series

May 6, 2021ACT Expo returns to Long Beach August 30 through September 2, 2021, setting the stage for another innovative event.

ACT Expo

ACT Expo takes place at Long Beach Convention Center

ACT Expo Extends Early Bird Rate, Teases Upcoming Agenda

April 13, 2021Early bird registration has been extended for ACT Expo, returning to the Long Beach Convention Center from August 30 to September 2, 2021.

ACT Expo

EPA Administrator Michael Regan oversees DERA

Image: U.S. EPA

An Open Letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan on DERA Funding

April 13, 2021There are opportunities to improve DERA and align the program with the Biden Administration’s climate and environmental justice goals.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Photo of low-emissions propane delivery vans

Image: PERC

Does Your ‘Zero-Emissions’ Vehicle Really Offer the Lowest Emissions?

March 30, 2021A recent study is making fleet owners think twice about the common perception that electric vehicles offer the lowest emissions.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Fleet Awards for ACT Expo 2021

Image: kasto - stock.adobe.com

Nominations Open for 2021 ACT Expo Fleet Awards

March 1, 2021Fleet Awards to highlight ongoing sustainability efforts from fleets across the country and from every major on-road transportation sector.

ACT Expo

Clean Fuels Ohio is based in Columbus, Ohio

Image: Oz Seyrek via Unsplash

Clean Fuels Ohio’s New Brand Aligns with National Leadership in Clean Transportation

February 16, 2021Clean Fuels Ohio looks forward to strengthening relationships with industry, government, and organizations as we move forward together.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Renewable Propane Production Pathways

Watch a recording of this Renewable Propane Production Pathways webinar. Hosted by RG 360 in partnership with PERC.

In partnership with:

ACT Expo image of convention center

Image: ACT Expo via GNA

ACT Expo 2021: New Year, Another Innovative Experience

January 27, 2021ACT Expo returns to Long Beach, California, from August 30-September 2, 2021, offering the latest advanced vehicles, fuels and technologies.

ACT Expo

Sustainable fleets image of vehicles

Image: fuyu liu - Shutterstock

2021 Sustainable Fleets Report: Even More Insight on Clean Tech

January 19, 2021In 2021 the State of Sustainable Fleets report will build on the data gathered from fleets in 2020 and their clean technology efforts.

The State of Sustainable Fleets

Image of fueling with propane autogas

Image: Propane Education & Research Council

Propane Autogas: The Year Behind and the Year Ahead

January 11, 2021While 2020 brought unimagined challenges, the resiliency of the fuel industry shone through, including for propane autogas.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

ACT Virtual Hero Image

Image: ACT Virtual

It’s a Wrap for ACT Virtual 2020

December 2, 2020ACT Virtual hosted the biggest names in the industry during 19 days of fleet-focused advanced transportation education.


Propane autogas powered truck

Image: Ford

Top Five Reasons Propane is Proven for Clean Transportation

November 17, 2020Propane offers fleets reduced operating costs and lower emissions, along with reliability, performance and innovation.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)