Fuel / Technology: Hybrid Drive

Funding is Now Available for San Joaquin Valley Fleets – Valley Fleet Support Can Help

April 9, 2020Funding from the Truck Replacement Program gives San Joaquin Valley Fleets grants to replace on-road diesel trucks with the cleanest technology available.

Central California Asthma Collaborative

Investments Drive Sustainable Transportation Growth

February 27, 2020The ACT Expo Investor Summit, launching this year at ACT Expo, is a first-of-its-kind event to focus on investing in the clean fleet market.

Fleet Owner


Image: Unsplash

Finding Funding Isn’t as Simple as Point and Click

February 20, 2020While other funding resources require you to point and click through countless incentives, GNA’s Funding 360 Program is a proven market-intelligence solution to help you pursue—and secure—the funds you need.


Air Pollutants

Image: UnSplash

ACT 101: Are All Air Pollutants the Same?

February 6, 2020Greenhouse gas emissions are often considered interchangeable with air pollutants. Both interact in the air, but in distinctly different ways.


An Electric Future and the Messy Middle: What You Need to Know Now

Watch the recorded webinar in collaboration with NACFE on the future of freighting.

In partnership with:

Image: Volvo Trucks

Business Case for Sustainability

January 15, 2020Leading fleets now recognize that low carbon transportation is not only going to be the price of admission in the near term, but a strategic differentiator and important selling point.

Fleet Owner

Regional Haul Truck

Factors Align to Make Regional Haul a Perfect Alt. Fuel Fit

July 29, 2019Regional haul is growing for a number of reasons including drivers’ desire to be home more often, the rise of e-commerce, and the advent of technologies such as GPS, load-matching, and big data.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

The Promise (and Potential Pitfall) of VW Settlement Funding

July 10, 2019Fortunately, the first round of VW funds was not a flash-in-the-pan. However, should states fail to consider fleets’ recommendations for the next rounds of funding, the Volkswagen Settlement Funds may be a one-hit-wonder.


Alternative Fuel Natural Gas UPS Truck

The “Ready Now” Alternative Fuel

June 17, 2019UPS’ significant investment sends a clear statement that RNG is a trusted, “ready now” solution to reducing emissions.

Fleet Owner

Roger Nielsen Speaking at ACT Expo

Clean Transportation Solutions from ACT Expo 2019

May 15, 2019The innovations and technologies at ACT Expo demonstrated the significant increase in investment in advanced clean technologies and fuels for the commercial fleet sector.

Fleet Owner

Road to Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Image: Unsplash

More States Follow California’s Lead with Low Carbon Fuel Standard Programs

May 9, 2019California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard program has made an impression on other states and regions as they attempt to reduce their own carbon footprint.


2019 ACT Expo Fleet Awards

April 30, 2019ACT Expo Fleet Awards are the ultimate recognition of fleets and individuals who show true leadership in transportation, having gone above and beyond what has been required to tirelessly pursue sustainability in their fleet operations.

ACT Expo

Women in ACT Panel

Women in ACT: Implementing Innovation with a Diverse Workforce

April 29, 2019Ford Motor Company presented Women in ACT on Wednesday morning, a workshop that focused on why women are a critical component of the winning formula needed in today’s advanced clean transportation industry.

ACT Expo

Truck for Regional Haul

Image: Schaller LLC

Growth of Regional Haul Could Present Opportunities

April 25, 2019NACFE recently released a new report, Regional Haul: An Opportunity for Trucking that looks at this growing market segment.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Image: GNA

Commercial Fleets to Benefit from Launch of LAZER Initiative to Reduce Emissions and Cut Costs

April 24, 2019GNA and UCR’s CE-CERT collaborate to support organizations in evaluating the real-world economic and environmental benefits of advanced transportation technologies in commercial fleet applications.

ACT Expo

Clean Cities Coalitions Celebrate 25 Years of Building the Right Partnerships to Scale Solutions

April 24, 2019In its 25th year, the Clean Cities Coalition recognizes the key to its undeniable success—working one-on-one with local fleet managers to understand their operational needs and develop cost effective solutions.

ACT Expo