Fuel / Technology: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

ACT Virtual Hero Image

Can’t Miss Fleet Education with ACT Virtual

October 2, 2020ACT Virtual spotlights the latest trends and technology advancements in the advanced transportation sector with an online educational series.

Fleet Owner

Truck demo program image

New Truck Demo Program Launches in California’s Central Valley

September 23, 2020The largest truck demo program of its kind in California is set to start this October in the Central Valley with 30 demo vehicles available.

Valley Fleet Support

Environmental image of wind turbines

Image: Charl Floscher on Unsplash

ACT 101: Overview of U.S. Environmental Policy

September 22, 2020Environmental policy in the U.S. has responded to the topic of climate change and the business environment for transportation.


ACT Virtual Speaker Jay Craig

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Virtual Launches the Advanced Transportation Investor Summit

September 9, 2020ACT Virtual will host the first-of-its-kind Advanced Transportation Investor Summit focusing on investment trends in clean tech.


Trucking image of electric truck

Image: Volvo Trucks

Trucking: Clean Fuels, Heavy Loads and Prospects for Cleaner Fuels in Freight Fleets

September 4, 2020Will trucking fleets still move forward in these uncertain times with plans for clean-fuel rollouts? We strongly suspect the answer is yes.

Metropolitan Energy Center

Zero-Emission Truck Images

Image: ACT News

Regional Haul, Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Tractors: Follow up Q&A from an ACT News Webinar

August 26, 2020Read a Q&A follow up to the August 6 ACT News webinar with NACFE, NREL and Ballard - Keeping it Real: Regional Haul, Zero-Emission, Heavy-Duty Tractors.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

2020 NGVA Show

2020 NGVAmerica Industry Summit Moves to Virtual Format this October

August 21, 20202020 NGVAmerica Industry Summit goes virtual this October 20-22nd. Register before September 15th to lock in early bird pricing.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

MOU will support EVs

Image: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License

MOU is Largest-Ever Multi-State Collaboration to Address Air Pollution

August 12, 2020MOU is the largest-ever multi-state collaboration to address air pollution from the transportation medium and heavy-duty sector.

Empire Clean Cities

State of Sustainable Fleets Image of Report Cover

Image: GNA

State of Sustainable Fleets Report Provides Fleet Insights on Clean Tech

August 11, 2020The State of Sustainable Fleets report is the first comprehensive, technology-neutral industry resource across all fuels and technology sectors.

Fleet Owner

ACT Virtual Peter V

Image: ACT Virtual

ACT Virtual Welcomes Volvo Trucks North America’s President Peter Voorhoeve as Keynote Speaker for Event Launch

August 4, 2020The four-month virtual event will feature a dynamic lineup of more than 130 industry leaders presenting on the technologies driving the future of fleet transportation.


State of Sustainable Fleets Photo

Image: iStock

State of Sustainable Fleets Reports on Clean Tech Across Fuels & Sectors

July 29, 2020The State of Sustainable Fleets report is the first technology-neutral industry resource across all fuels and technology sectors.



Image: ACT News

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: The SJVAPCD is Closer to an Electric Yard Truck Funding Program

July 29, 2020SJVAPCD is one of the primary funders of clean transportation projects in the Central Valley and has administered multiple diesel replacement projects.

Advanced Transportation Investor Summit Image

Image: ACT Virtual

“Advanced Transportation Investor Summit” Announced as Part of ACT Virtual Series

July 21, 2020Join organizers of the largest advanced transportation event—ACT Expo—for a first-of-its-kind “Advanced Transportation Investor Summit,” at ACT Virtual.


CEC Central Valley

Image: GNA

An Update on Regulations and Funding Programs for Central Valley Fleets

Watch this webinar recording from Valley Fleet Support & ACT News discussing new grants and fleet projects in the Central Valley.

In partnership with:

Kansas City UPS Truck Photo

Image: UPS

Kansas City, UPS and Cleaner Fuels

July 16, 2020Kansas City Regional Clean Cities is lending a hand with urban clean fuel projects for UPS in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.

Metropolitan Energy Center

What is Carbon-Negative Fuel and How Can Fleets Procure It?

June 30, 2020The use of carbon-negative fuel is an important element not only for transportation, but also for any community seeking to reduce its climate footprint.