Fuel / Technology: Biodiesel

Andrea Pratt Driving EV

Image: Seattle Parks & Recreation

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Seattle Proudly Advocates for Alternative Fuels

November 20, 2018Andrea Pratt with the City of Seattle shared her mission to mitigate climate change and electrify the transportation sector at large.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Help Disaster Recovery, Fleet Resiliency

June 12, 2018Vehicles that run on an alternative fuel – such as biodiesel, electricity, natural gas, and propane – can help build system resiliency by diversifying an emergency response fleet if a storm or other emergency disrupts a state’s primary fuel supply.

Clean Communities of Central New York (CC of CNY)

final VW settlement plans

Image: ACT News

FUNDING: Get Ready to Drink from the VW Firehose

June 6, 2018Final VW settlement plans open up for applicants in several states across the U.S. and school districts among the early winners.

Fleet Owner

NYC Fleet Driving the Road to Sustainability

June 1, 2018New York City has always been one of the nation’s leaders when it comes to fleet sustainability efforts. The New York City Fleet (NYC Fleet) is operating what is probably the widest variety of alternative power vehicles and technologies in the nation.


New Generation Biofuels Increasing in Viability

May 24, 2018It is predicted that mid – long term development in technology will improve the efficiency of biofuel production processes making it increasingly practical to produce more in a shorter time period.

Fuel Diversity

Image: Kentucky Clean Fuels

Fleets’ Appetite for Fuel Diversity Spurs Transition

April 11, 2018Fleets are increasingly placing emphasis on fuel diversity as fuel-system and refueling providers are keeping pace by expanding their offerings not only beyond gasoline and diesel, but also beyond the niches they traditionally filled.

NGT News

Photo of San Diego MTS fleet of propane autogas buses.

Image: San Diego MTS

6 Fleets That Recently Switched to Propane Autogas

April 4, 2018Propane autogas proves to be a reliable, cost effective fuel to improve commercial fleet operations. The Propane Education & Research Council features the stories of six fleets as the latest additions to the council’s popular Straight Talk video series.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

NACFE Run on less kick-off

Image: NACFE

Trucks Can Reach More Than 10 MPG in Real World Applications

March 13, 2018The seven trucks in Run On Less demonstrated that there are a variety of ways to achieve double digit fuel economy numbers.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Image: ACT News

Women Shaping the Future of Sustainable Transportation

March 8, 2018In recognition of International Women's Day, organizers of ACT Expo announced the 5th Annual Women in ACT Summit, taking place May 1 at the Long Beach Convention Center.

ACT Expo

Marine vessel owners will turn to low sulfur fuel, drawing from the same supply as on-road fleets

Image: Truckinginfo

Fleet Owners Beware of Looming Marine Fuel Regulation

October 26, 2017Due to the impending regulation, marine vessel owners will turn to low sulfur fuel, drawing from the same supply as on-road fleets.

Fleet Owner

Five Reasons You Need a Sustainable Fuels Strategy

October 26, 2017There are more fuels and related technologies entering the market than ever before, and many should be part of your clean fleet approach. Are you ready?

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

Image: ACT News

Preparing Your Shop for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

This webinar provides information about the necessary fueling and maintenance facility modifications for alternative fuel vehicles.

Comprehensive Training for AFV Deployment: Internal & External Stakeholders

Learn how to help impacted stakeholders prepare for new alternative fuel vehicle fleet facilities and deployment.

Navigating VW & Fleet Funding Opportunities

Learn about VW Settlement and other funding opportunities to help offset the cost to modernize your fleet with alternative fuel vehicles.

ACT Expo 2017 in Review

June 5, 2017Last month’s ACT Expo demonstrated the continued momentum taking place across the transportation industry to push forward low-carbon fuels, more efficient technologies and fleet sustainability.

Fleet Owner

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo Sets 2017 Program

March 7, 2017The stage is set for the 2017 Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, the conference will feature the increasing array of commercially available and rapidly developing technologies for sustainable fleet operations.

Fleet Owner