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Rethink Methane

Image: Rethink Methane

Rethink Methane Covers RNG Regulations, RNG Incentives, Dairy Digesters, Private Investments, and More

February 13, 2019Rethink Methane educates policymakers on the role renewable gas can play in helping California achieve its air quality and climate objectives.

Rethink Methane Symposium

Alia Khouri is Director of Fleet Operations

Image: City of San Diego

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: San Diego Fleet Operations a Data-Rich Enterprise

February 11, 2019In an ACT News Executive Interview, Alia Khouri with the City of San Diego, shares how commitment to fleet data drives innovation in the City fleet.

The Collaborative and EV Chargers

Volume II – EV Procurement: A Culture Shift for Light-Duty Fleets in 2019

February 8, 2019The Collaborative is a catalyst for accelerating the transition of city fleets to EVs, cutting emissions, and saving taxpayer money.

Electrification Coalition

Connected Vehicle Technologies

Image: ACT News

Connected Vehicle Technology Workshop at ACT Expo

February 6, 2019With the emergence of connected vehicle technologies, the transportation industry has the opportunity to significantly improve operational, economic, and environmental performance.

ACT Expo

EV options have increased

Image: ACT News

EV Procurement: A Culture Shift for Light-Duty Fleets in 2019

January 31, 2019The light-duty EV market offers multiple options, making 2019 the prime year for fleets to include them in procurement plans.


Clean Vehicle Funding Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 28, 2019Learn about the billions of dollars in vehicle funding available in the near-term for fleets to install infrastructure and replace vehicles and equipment.

ACT Expo

CMAQ Could Fund These Alternative Fuel Trucks

CMAQ Rule Simplification May Free Up Millions in Funding for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

January 24, 2019The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program has historically provided millions of dollars of funding for clean vehicle projects.

Clean Fuels Ohio

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 23, 2019ACT Expo will host a five-part workshop series focused on EV charging infrastructure, from the utility side to construction to network providers.

ACT Expo

TCO measures hard and soft costs

Image: NACFE

TCO is a Matter of Hard and Soft Costs

January 16, 2019When considering vehicle TCO, fleets need to look beyond the hard costs and include the costs that are harder to quantify.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Volkswagen Funds Can Purchase NGVs

Volkswagen Funding a Game Changing Opportunity for NGVs

January 10, 2019Volkswagen Trust funding offers a game changing opportunity to accelerate the adoption and use of NGVs fueled by American natural gas.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Rethink Methane

Rethink Methane Symposium Announces Agenda and Speakers

January 8, 2019The Rethink Methane Symposium, taking place February 26-27 in Sacramento, CA will bring stakeholders from the bioenergy, solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas industries together for an annual policy forum.

Rethink Methane Symposium

California Needs to Cut Emissions Now While Planning for the Future

January 3, 2019A new report from the California Air Resources Board confirms earlier data showing that greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles are increasing.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition

Two cars fuel with hydrogen

California Hydrogen Fuel Cell Summit

December 28, 2018CHBC hosted its 6th annual California Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Summit in December, bringing industry and policymakers together to discuss progress.

California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC)

RNG from landfill gas in Ohio

Image: Clean Fuels Ohio

RNG Poised for Midwestern Growth

December 20, 2018Ohio and the Midwest have large untapped sources of RNG with huge economic potential, which is important for the long-term success of CNG in transportation.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Honda Clarity at Fuel Pump

Image: Honda

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in 2018: A Banner Year to Build On

December 20, 2018The fuel cell and hydrogen industry for 2018 saw policy achievements, major advancements and investments, with momentum building to expand in 2019.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

Rethink Methane Registration Is Open

Image: Rethink Methane

Early Bird Registration Is Open for 2019 Rethink Methane Symposium

December 20, 2018Join stakeholders from the bioenergy, solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas industries at the 5th Annual Rethink Methane Symposium next February.

Rethink Methane Symposium