Application: Vocational/Cab Chassis

Image: Renewable Energy Group

A Drop-In Alternative Fuel for Fleets

March 26, 2019For fleets interested in replacing petroleum diesel with a cleaner fuel alternative, biodiesel is a drop-in replacement, with no expensive vehicle or equipment upgrades required and which typically costs less than petroleum diesel.

Image: iStock

Making Sense of the Charging Infrastructure Needs for Electric Vehicles

March 26, 2019Planning, cooperation and time will make charging for CBEVs a reality. There are some common steps and considerations any fleet can use to help ensure they get the right charging system for their needs.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Natural Gas Vehicles, Engines, and Solution Providers to Convene at the 2019 ACT Expo

March 25, 2019ACT Expo is hosting its ninth annual event next month, April 22 through 26, showcasing the latest natural gas and alternative fuel technologies from cutting-edge exhibitors, technology providers, and content-rich sessions.

ACT Expo

Is the Vision of Commercial Fleet Nirvana Right Around the Corner?

March 18, 2019As electric trucks begin rolling off the factory line this year, will they achieve market penetration? What can we learn from past technologies?


Cliff Rechtschaffen Headshot

Image: ACT News

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: California Public Utilities Commission Drives Energy Leadership

March 13, 2019ACT News Interview with Cliff Rechtschaffen, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission, guiding California’s energy programs and policies.

Energy Independence Summit 2019

Clean Transportation Leaders Engage Congress at Annual Energy Independence Summit

March 7, 2019The Annual Energy Independence Summit brings together a diverse array of stakeholders in the clean transportation and alternative fuel industries.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Medium- & Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Roadmap

Join us for a complimentary ACT News webinar on April 4 presented in partnership with the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE).

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Startups and Industry Leaders Alike Compete to Develop the Next Major Battery Technology

February 27, 2019Manufacturers race to bring better and more cost-effective battery technology to the transportation market, with many promising developments.


LCFS in California Means Big Gains for RNG

February 21, 2019California’s LCFS program began the new year with beneficial changes, resulting in high value credits for RNG that should spur market growth for the renewable fuel.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership

The High Cost of Fuel for EV Fleets

February 21, 2019The costs associated with charging a truck are vastly different and can be highly variable compared to traditional gaseous fuels.

Fleet Owner

Alia Khouri is Director of Fleet Operations

Image: City of San Diego

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: San Diego Fleet Operations a Data-Rich Enterprise

February 11, 2019In an ACT News Executive Interview, Alia Khouri with the City of San Diego, shares how commitment to fleet data drives innovation in the City fleet.

Connected Vehicle Technologies

Image: ACT News

Connected Vehicle Technology Workshop at ACT Expo

February 6, 2019With the emergence of connected vehicle technologies, the transportation industry has the opportunity to significantly improve operational, economic, and environmental performance.

ACT Expo

Clean Vehicle Funding Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 28, 2019Learn about the billions of dollars in vehicle funding available in the near-term for fleets to install infrastructure and replace vehicles and equipment.

ACT Expo

CMAQ Could Fund These Alternative Fuel Trucks

CMAQ Rule Simplification May Free Up Millions in Funding for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

January 24, 2019The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program has historically provided millions of dollars of funding for clean vehicle projects.

Clean Fuels Ohio

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 23, 2019ACT Expo will host a five-part workshop series focused on EV charging infrastructure, from the utility side to construction to network providers.

ACT Expo

TCO measures hard and soft costs

Image: NACFE

TCO is a Matter of Hard and Soft Costs

January 16, 2019When considering vehicle TCO, fleets need to look beyond the hard costs and include the costs that are harder to quantify.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)