Application: Utility/Work Truck

Pittsburgh: From Steel to Sustainability

August 30, 2018Pittsburgh, recently named the second most livable city in the U.S., is driving innovation across its transportation sector to achieve emission reductions.

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities

Dairy Industry Sustainability Summit

Dairy Industry Inaugural Summit Highlights Methane Emission Solutions

August 30, 2018In California, dairy sustainability is intersecting with clean transportation in a big way. The inaugural Dairy Sustainability Summit aims to educate dairy farmers and fleet operators on how to monetize dairy biogas.


Near-zero emission truck in Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles

Image: TTSI

Near-Zero Emission Trucks Deployed in Busiest Port Complex

August 16, 2018Harbor trucking firms demonstrate we can slash transportation emissions immediately and cost effectively with today’s near-zero emission natural gas trucks.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership

Image: US DOT

How to Reverse the Upward Trend of GHG Emissions in California

August 14, 2018Although California has significantly reduced its GHG emissions, emissions from the transportation sector have actually increased. Learn how the state can reverse the trend.


Natural Gas Vehicles: A Bipartisan Solution

August 8, 2018Several recently-introduced bills for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) provide bipartisan solutions for the deployment of cleaner alternative fueled vehicles.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Propane Autogas Shuttle Van with Cost-Effective Emissions Reductions

Image: PERC

Propane Autogas as an Affordable Solution to Reduce Fleet Emissions

August 1, 2018Propane autogas is an alternative fuel that provides fleets with the clean emissions profile they seek, at an affordable cost. Plus, it offers proven performance without the growing pains newer alternative energy options may still be dealing with.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Renewable natural gas from anaerobic digester

Image: CR&R Incorporated

New Approach to Trash is Displacing Fossil Fuels

July 27, 2018In July 2018, renewable natural gas began to flow into Southern California's natural gas distribution system from a state-of-the-art high solid anaerobic digester that processes organic waste that would otherwise have been sent to a landfill.


Image: City of Dublin

City of Dublin, Ohio: Today’s CNG Fleet to Tomorrow’s Testbed for Autonomous Technology

July 20, 2018Learn firsthand from Darryl Syler, the Director of Fleet Management for the City of Dublin, Ohio, on his history and success in managing innovative fleets and his vision for the future.

Trump’s Bailout for Coal Power May Undermine the Benefits of EVs

June 26, 2018President Trump has ordered Secretary of Energy Rick Perry to prepare immediate steps to prevent the retirement of coal and nuclear electricity generating facilities. This could delay the progress in the transportation sector.


Illustration highlighting ZEV States

ZEV Scorecard Assesses States’ Progress on EVs

June 19, 2018The Electrification Coalition (EC) released its first Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) Scorecard to assess states' actions building EV market.

Electrification Coalition

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Help Disaster Recovery, Fleet Resiliency

June 12, 2018Vehicles that run on an alternative fuel – such as biodiesel, electricity, natural gas, and propane – can help build system resiliency by diversifying an emergency response fleet if a storm or other emergency disrupts a state’s primary fuel supply.

Clean Communities of Central New York (CC of CNY)

final VW settlement plans

Image: ACT News

FUNDING: Get Ready to Drink from the VW Firehose

June 6, 2018Final VW settlement plans open up for applicants in several states across the U.S. and school districts among the early winners.

Fleet Owner

NYC Fleet Driving the Road to Sustainability

June 1, 2018New York City has always been one of the nation’s leaders when it comes to fleet sustainability efforts. The New York City Fleet (NYC Fleet) is operating what is probably the widest variety of alternative power vehicles and technologies in the nation.


New Generation Biofuels Increasing in Viability

May 24, 2018It is predicted that mid – long term development in technology will improve the efficiency of biofuel production processes making it increasingly practical to produce more in a shorter time period.

Connected Vehicles

Image: University of Alberta/Centre for Smart Transportation

The Way of the Future: Connected Vehicle Tech

May 16, 2018Connected vehicles are becoming more and more prominent. Learn where these vehicles are now and where they are headed.


Santa Monica Big Blue Bus runs on RNG.

Image: CNGVC

RNG Is the Fast Track to Cleaner Air in California

May 10, 2018RNG has four big benefits: It’s a climate twofer, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through both its production and use. It reduces toxic air pollution. Its local production creates good jobs. And it can do all this now, through use in readily available near-zero natural gas engines.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition