Application: Utility/Work Truck

New Resource for Fleets Covers Basics of Charging Commercial BEVs

November 5, 2019The EV Charging Guidebook supports fleet managers in assessing their own, fleet-specific opportunity to implement battery electric vehicles.

Fleet Owner

Sydney Vergis, CARB

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: How CARB Is Fostering Innovation Across Commercial Transportation in California

November 5, 2019Sydney Vergis of the California Air Resources Board, discusses how the state agency is working to drive change across the global transportation industry by fostering investment and innovation in California.

Cows for Dairy Digester

Massive RNG Supply Boost in California

October 8, 2019California dairy digester projects are successfully converting a previously untapped waste stream into a valuable resource and producing a carbon-negative fuel.

California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership

Federal government advances fuel cell technology

Image: Unsplash

Federal Policies Are Advancing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy

October 8, 2019Bipartisan, bicameral support for National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day reflects the longstanding belief in the energy, environmental, and economic benefits of these technologies across the United States Government.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

California Truck Regulation

Image: UnSplash

Zero Emission Truck Regulations on the California Horizon

October 1, 2019California’s ACT regulation will soon affect both fleets and vehicle manufacturers—planning now will help them better prepare for deploying ZEVs.

Fleet Owner

BEVs - Light Vs Heavy-Duty

Medium- and Heavy- Duty BEV Fleets Face Unique Challenges

September 23, 2019Deploying battery electric vehicles in medium- and heavy-duty fleets is an exacting exercise requiring specific knowledge of vehicle routes and schedules, charging rates, electrical infrastructure, and electricity pricing.


Stacking Incentives to Buy Down the Cost of Fleet Electrification

Find additional incentives and rebates that drive down the cost of EVs and charging infrastructure.

In partnership with:

How Two California Fleets Have Successfully Deployed EVs

Hear from fleet managers who have successfully deployed EVs leveraging PG&E's EV Fleet program.

In partnership with:

Highway in Los Angeles - Path to Zero Emissions

Tackling Trucking: How to Get Zero Emissions Trucks at Ports and on Freeways in Los Angeles

August 12, 2019Reducing emissions in the Los Angeles region is important, particularly within ports and on the freeways. Where are we now and where do we need to go?

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)

Why Now Is the Time to Electrify Your Fleet

Join us on Thursday, September 5 for a complimentary webinar series in collaboration with PG&E.

In partnership with:

Toby Kraus of Proterra

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Proterra Offers Electrification Solutions Package to Commercial OEMs

August 9, 2019Toby Kraus, vice president Proterra Powered, discusses how Proterra's electrification technology is now available for commercial vehicle OEMs.

Climate Change and White House

Image: UnSplash

Facts Not Furor: What the 2020 Candidates Should Be Focused On

August 5, 2019Close to two dozen Democrats took to podiums to share their vision for America. Their discussion on climate change glossed over a very real and pressing environmental and public health truth.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Moving on from LNG Myths

July 26, 2019Stakeholder engagement through in-person LNG demonstrations are an effective tool to frame how LNG can be safely handled, stored, and transported.


Utilities Poles

Utilities Work Hard to Drive EVs

July 23, 2019California utilities create incentive programs to reduce two major barriers for electric fleets—high infrastructure costs and demand charges.

Fleet Owner

The Promise (and Potential Pitfall) of VW Settlement Funding

July 10, 2019Fortunately, the first round of VW funds was not a flash-in-the-pan. However, should states fail to consider fleets’ recommendations for the next rounds of funding, the Volkswagen Settlement Funds may be a one-hit-wonder.


Mike Hasinec - Penske

Image: ACT News

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Penske Truck Leasing is a Proven Innovator in Vehicle Maintenance

July 2, 2019Mike Hasinec, vice president of maintenance at Penske Truck Leasing, talks about success in keeping up with the rapid pace of changing vehicle technology.