Application: Street Sweeping

ACT Expo: Electrifying the Commercial Transportation Sector (+ Keynote Announced!)

March 28, 2018The Commercial Electric Vehicle Summit allows attendees to gain insight into the latest advancements in battery and fuel cell electric vehicle technologies for the medium- and heavy-duty market.

ACT Expo

NGVA Industry and government partnerships for Clean Air

Image: ACT News

Cleaning up America’s Air with Industry & Government Partnerships

March 27, 2018Government/industry partnerships lead to the production of the cleanest heavy-duty engines available today.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)


What will the Future Bring for Electric Vehicle Batteries?

March 21, 2018As more and more nations declare their intention to prohibit the sale of fossil fuel-powered vehicles, attention naturally shifts to efforts to develop electric vehicle batteries that can meet the performance requirements of demanding duty cycles.

Fleet Owner

Your Map to the Money – Tips and Tools to Access VW Settlement Funds

Join us on Thursday, February 15 at 9 am PT/12 pm ET for a complimentary webinar, presented in partnership with the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo.

The VW Settlement: How to Identify the Best State-Specific Incentives for Your Projects

February 15, 2018Key updates on the VW Settlement and launch of a new VW funds tracking tool and project competitiveness calculator.


Image: ACT News

Quantifying Benefits of Alt Fuel Projects with New Vehicle Emissions Calculator

January 31, 2018New vehicle emissions calculator to provide state officials and fleet managers with an accurate tool to gauge emissions reductions affiliated with the VW EMT.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Image: ACT News

Spotlight on Renewable Transportation Fuels—Key Benefits & Market Availability

Participate in this 1-hour webinar to learn the key benefits and market availability for renewable transportation fuels, including natural gas, diesel, propane and hydrogen.

ACT 101: What is Renewable Methane?

December 12, 2017There is a lot of conflicting information about what renewable methane is, how it is created, and whether or not it is a clean energy source.


natural gas heavy-duty truck

Image: NGVA

Cleaner Air Starts with Cleaner Trucks

October 27, 2017No commercially-available powertrain source today runs cleaner than natural gas.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Still Addicted to Oil

October 24, 2017The geopolitical and economic outlook of oil demand underscores the need for smart regulations and investments in the transportation sector.

Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE)

Image: ACT Expo

RNG Gets Real

Learn about how renewable natural gas can transform waste streams into a transportation fuel asset by capturing and recycling methane that could otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

Image: ACT Expo

Shaking Things Up in EVSEs: A Discussion on “Roaming,” Pricing Models, Fleet Applications, and Inductive Charging

This webinar highlights what we can expect from the electric vehicle charging infrastructure industry, including issues of “roaming," pricing structures, inductive charging, and fleet applications.

Image: ACT News

Preparing Your Shop for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

This webinar provides information about the necessary fueling and maintenance facility modifications for alternative fuel vehicles.

Comprehensive Training for AFV Deployment: Internal & External Stakeholders

Learn how to help impacted stakeholders prepare for new alternative fuel vehicle fleet facilities and deployment.

Navigating VW & Fleet Funding Opportunities

Learn about VW Settlement and other funding opportunities to help offset the cost to modernize your fleet with alternative fuel vehicles.

VW Funding California Clean Air Initiative

Image: Pixabay

With VW Funding on the Horizon, California Adds $1 Billion to Clean Transportation Pot

October 3, 2017The California Clean Air Initiative will provide an opportunity for companies who are planning on soon purchasing clean vehicles.