Application: Shuttle Bus

California Truck Regulation

Image: UnSplash

Zero Emission Truck Regulations on the California Horizon

October 1, 2019California’s ACT regulation will soon affect both fleets and vehicle manufacturers—planning now will help them better prepare for deploying ZEVs.

Fleet Owner

BEVs - Light Vs Heavy-Duty

Medium- and Heavy- Duty BEV Fleets Face Unique Challenges

September 23, 2019Deploying battery electric vehicles in medium- and heavy-duty fleets is an exacting exercise requiring specific knowledge of vehicle routes and schedules, charging rates, electrical infrastructure, and electricity pricing.


Stacking Incentives to Buy Down the Cost of Fleet Electrification

Find additional incentives and rebates that drive down the cost of EVs and charging infrastructure.

In partnership with:

How Two California Fleets Have Successfully Deployed EVs

Hear from fleet managers who have successfully deployed EVs leveraging PG&E's EV Fleet program.

In partnership with:

Learn how PG&E Can Help Fleets Save Money with Electrification

Learn how PG&E’s EV Fleet program helps fleet managers easily and cost-effectively install charging infrastructure.

In partnership with:

Fuel resiliency is needed during storms.

Image: UnSplash

Recent Extreme Weather Offers Reminder of Importance of Fuel Resiliency

August 21, 2019With recent extremes in weather across the United States, it's critical for fleets to adopt fuel resiliency plans to minimize disruptions to business.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Highway in Los Angeles - Path to Zero Emissions

Tackling Trucking: How to Get Zero Emissions Trucks at Ports and on Freeways in Los Angeles

August 12, 2019Reducing emissions in the Los Angeles region is important, particularly within ports and on the freeways. Where are we now and where do we need to go?

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)

Why Now Is the Time to Electrify Your Fleet

Join us on Thursday, September 5 for a complimentary webinar series in collaboration with PG&E.

In partnership with:

Toby Kraus of Proterra

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Proterra Offers Electrification Solutions Package to Commercial OEMs

August 9, 2019Toby Kraus, vice president Proterra Powered, discusses how Proterra's electrification technology is now available for commercial vehicle OEMs.

Climate Change and White House

Image: UnSplash

Facts Not Furor: What the 2020 Candidates Should Be Focused On

August 5, 2019Close to two dozen Democrats took to podiums to share their vision for America. Their discussion on climate change glossed over a very real and pressing environmental and public health truth.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

Utilities Poles

Utilities Work Hard to Drive EVs

July 23, 2019California utilities create incentive programs to reduce two major barriers for electric fleets—high infrastructure costs and demand charges.

Fleet Owner

The Promise (and Potential Pitfall) of VW Settlement Funding

July 10, 2019Fortunately, the first round of VW funds was not a flash-in-the-pan. However, should states fail to consider fleets’ recommendations for the next rounds of funding, the Volkswagen Settlement Funds may be a one-hit-wonder.


Electricity Pricing

How Does Electricity Pricing Affect Fleet Electrification?

June 19, 2019Understanding the mechanics of electricity pricing and how a utility operates can be a critical step in optimizing, and minimizing, the long-term costs of fleet electrification.


From Farm to Tailpipe: How California Dairies Are Supporting Clean Transportation Goals

June 12, 2019On-farm dairy digesters across California produce cost-effective and abundant renewable natural gas (RNG) which can be used as a transportation fuel.

Dairy Cares

Climate Mayors and Fleet Electrification

Major National Fleet Electrification Announcement Planned for June

June 6, 2019Climate Mayors will be making a major announcement at the June Climate Mayors Summit related to their near-term commitment to step up public fleet electrification.

Electrification Coalition

ACES Mobility

What does ACES Mobility Mean for Transportation?

May 30, 2019ACES mobility technologies – automated, connected, electric, shared – have the potential to improve congestion, reduce air pollution and create more affordable transportation.

Prospect Silicon Valley