Application: School Transportation

Propane autogas powered truck

Image: Ford

Top Five Reasons Propane is Proven for Clean Transportation

November 17, 2020Propane offers fleets reduced operating costs and lower emissions, along with reliability, performance and innovation.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

ACT Virtual Hero Image

ACT Virtual “Ultra Clean HD Vehicle Summit” – Nov. 17 & 19

November 5, 2020ACT Virtual brings vehicle manufacturers, technology suppliers, and fleets to share what the future holds for HD vehicles and technologies.


Image: Adobe Stock

Making Electrification More Cost-Effective for Fleets

November 4, 2020PG&E now offers EV Fleet program rates designed specifically for business customers with on-site EV charging for their fleet.

VW Funding image of money

Image: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Making the VW Diesel Mitigation Fund Live Up to Its Promise

November 4, 2020Nearly $3 billion is available in VW grants to replace old diesel vehicles based on NOx reduction, but emissions models are inaccurate.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Emmissions reduction targets illustrated

Choosing the Right Road to Lower Emissions Today

October 28, 2020Analyses of public-funded Fleet Transition Programs show that RCNG/RLNG vehicles are key to meeting strict emissions reduction targets.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America (NGVAmerica)

ACT Virtual Hero Image

Can’t Miss Fleet Education with ACT Virtual

October 2, 2020ACT Virtual spotlights the latest trends and technology advancements in the advanced transportation sector with an online educational series.

Fleet Owner

ACT Virtual EV Charging Workshop

ACT Virtual “EV Fleet Charging Workshop” –Two Upcoming Episodes

October 1, 2020ACT Virtual presents a digital version of the popular ACT Expo EV Charging Workshop—presenting the same content, and cutting-edge tech demos.


Environmental image of wind turbines

Image: Charl Floscher on Unsplash

ACT 101: Overview of U.S. Environmental Policy

September 22, 2020Environmental policy in the U.S. has responded to the topic of climate change and the business environment for transportation.


LCFS Revenue Generated by EVs

Image: Peterbilt/ACT News

Utilities Can Help California’s Electric Fleets Earn Revenue with the LCFS

September 22, 2020Partnering with PG&E and the state’s other electric utilities will help fleets easily and cost-effectively get started with the LCFS.

Propane School Bus Image

Image: PERC

Propane Autogas School Bus Success Translates to Commercial Fleets

September 15, 2020School bus fleets are successfully transitioning to propane autogas, which shows this energy source can also be used in commercial fleets.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

ACT Virtual Speaker Jay Craig

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Virtual Launches the Advanced Transportation Investor Summit

September 9, 2020ACT Virtual will host the first-of-its-kind Advanced Transportation Investor Summit focusing on investment trends in clean tech.


Heavy-Duty EVs from Daimler

Image: Freightliner

Early Adopters of Heavy-Duty EVs

September 9, 2020As more fleets look to medium- and heavy-duty EVs, they can benefit from the lessons learned by early adopters of EV deployments.

Fleet Owner

Electrification Coalition Image of Natalia Swalnick

Image: ACT News

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: The Electrification Coalition Promotes Policies and Actions to Accelerate Deployment of EVs on a Mass Scale

September 8, 2020An ACT Virtual Executive Interview with Natalia Swalnick to hear how the Electrification Coalition strategies advance electric mobility.

Biogas fuels beer truck

Image: Anheuser-Busch

Biogas Americas Live Kicks Off with Keynote from Anheuser-Busch and Andretti Harding Steinbrenner Racing

September 8, 2020BIOGAS AMERICAS LIVE will kick off with a keynote session featuring Anheuser-Busch and Andretti Harding Steinbrenner Racing.

American Biogas Council

TCO evaluates costs for EVs

Image: Chanje

Calculating TCO for EVs: Where to Find the Greatest Long-Term Cost Savings for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles

August 26, 2020TCO, the costs of buying, operating, and maintaining a fleet of EVs over the life of the vehicles, will be less than a fleet of diesel or gasoline vehicles.

MOU will support EVs

Image: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License

MOU is Largest-Ever Multi-State Collaboration to Address Air Pollution

August 12, 2020MOU is the largest-ever multi-state collaboration to address air pollution from the transportation medium and heavy-duty sector.

Empire Clean Cities