Application: Pick-Up Truck

Image: ACT News

CNG Provides Fleets Certainty Through Global Market Instability

April 17, 2020As the coronavirus and oil price wars in Russia and the Middle East send shockwaves across the global economy, CNG provides fleet operators with unmatched opportunity to stabilize fuel costs.

Autonomous Vehicle

Image: iStock

ACT 101: What are Autonomous Vehicles?

March 16, 2020Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely on technology that allows the vehicle to become “self-driving” by sensing the surrounding environment of roadways, traffic lights, pedestrians, and other vehicles.


Oklahoma EV Efforts by Tulsa Area Clean Cities

Image: Tulsa Area Clean Cities

Oklahoma Emerging as New Leader in Electric Vehicle Charging

December 5, 2019Oklahoma’s Clean Cities Coalitions have played an integral role in the electric vehicle transformation taking place in Oklahoma.

Tulsa Area Clean Cities Coalition

New Resource for Fleets Covers Basics of Charging Commercial BEVs

November 5, 2019The EV Charging Guidebook supports fleet managers in assessing their own, fleet-specific opportunity to implement battery electric vehicles.

Fleet Owner

Federal government advances fuel cell technology

Image: Unsplash

Federal Policies Are Advancing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy

October 8, 2019Bipartisan, bicameral support for National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day reflects the longstanding belief in the energy, environmental, and economic benefits of these technologies across the United States Government.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

California Truck Regulation

Image: UnSplash

Zero Emission Truck Regulations on the California Horizon

October 1, 2019California’s ACT regulation will soon affect both fleets and vehicle manufacturers—planning now will help them better prepare for deploying ZEVs.

Fleet Owner

From Farm to Tailpipe: How California Dairies Are Supporting Clean Transportation Goals

June 12, 2019On-farm dairy digesters across California produce cost-effective and abundant renewable natural gas (RNG) which can be used as a transportation fuel.

Dairy Cares

Climate Mayors and Fleet Electrification

Major National Fleet Electrification Announcement Planned for June

June 6, 2019Climate Mayors will be making a major announcement at the June Climate Mayors Summit related to their near-term commitment to step up public fleet electrification.

Electrification Coalition

Roger Nielsen Speaking at ACT Expo

Clean Transportation Solutions from ACT Expo 2019

May 15, 2019The innovations and technologies at ACT Expo demonstrated the significant increase in investment in advanced clean technologies and fuels for the commercial fleet sector.

Fleet Owner

Road to Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Image: Unsplash

More States Follow California’s Lead with Low Carbon Fuel Standard Programs

May 9, 2019California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard program has made an impression on other states and regions as they attempt to reduce their own carbon footprint.


2019 ACT Expo Fleet Awards

April 30, 2019ACT Expo Fleet Awards are the ultimate recognition of fleets and individuals who show true leadership in transportation, having gone above and beyond what has been required to tirelessly pursue sustainability in their fleet operations.

ACT Expo

Image: Adobe Stock

ACT 101: Have You Left Money Lying Around? A Look at California’s Clean Fuel Market

April 18, 2019LCFS credits can accelerate a return on investment, contribute to a lower total cost of ownership, and in some cases, provide free fuel plus a little additional cash in the fleet’s pocket.


Image: UnSplash

The Role of Microgrids in a Resilient Energy Future

April 17, 2019Interest in microgrid projects has grown in the past five years, presenting valuable energy management opportunities for EV fleets.


Propane Bus

Image: PERC

Why Renewable Propane?

April 11, 2019Renewable propane is a plentiful renewable fuel identical in composition to conventional propane, offering low emissions at a low cost.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Image: Un

Commercial Fleet Operators Leading the Charge

April 8, 2019AMPLY Power is working to transform the commercial transportation sector by eliminating the challenges, hassle, and expensive surprises that fleet operators face when transitioning to electricity as a fuel.

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo 2019: Speaker Line Up Announced

April 2, 2019The 2019 ACT Expo will bring together over 200 industry expert speakers through a series of workshops, technical sessions, and co-located partner events.

ACT Expo