Application: Fueling Infrastructure

Coming Together on National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

October 21, 2020FCHEA spearheads this annual event by giving hydrogen its due through the celebration of National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day.

Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)

Hydrogen topic of Bill Zobel interview

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles – The Time is Now

October 8, 2020An ACT News Executive Interview with Bill Zobel from CHBC to observe National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on October 8, 2020.

A Transparent Fueling Partner

October 2, 2020While fleets are under pressure to reduce emissions, increase efficiency and cut costs, Trillium offers flexible, smart and fleet-centric pricing for all alternative fuels.

ACT Virtual Hero Image

Can’t Miss Fleet Education with ACT Virtual

October 2, 2020ACT Virtual spotlights the latest trends and technology advancements in the advanced transportation sector with an online educational series.

Fleet Owner

ACT Virtual EV Charging Workshop

ACT Virtual “EV Fleet Charging Workshop” –Two Upcoming Episodes

October 1, 2020ACT Virtual presents a digital version of the popular ACT Expo EV Charging Workshop—presenting the same content, and cutting-edge tech demos.


Image: ATN

How to Succeed with Pilot and Production-Scale Transit Electric Bus Fleet Deployments – Part 2: From Pilot Project to Large-Scale Deployment

Join this webinar on 10/21 to learn real world insights from Anaheim Transportation Network, a transit fleet that has successfully navigated an EV transition with 46 battery electric buses.

In partnership with:

Electric Transit Bus

Image: Adobe Stock Images

How to Succeed with Pilot and Production-Scale Transit Electric Bus Fleet Deployments – Part 1: The Smart Way to Execute a Successful Pilot

Watch this webinar recording from ACT News & AMPLY to learn key things fleets need to consider when executing a pilot program for succesful EV deployment.

In partnership with:

Steve Carlisle of GM

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: GM Envisions a Future with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion

September 29, 2020An ACT Virtual Executive Interview with Steve Carlisle to learn firsthand how GM is working towards a zero emission future.

Truck demo program image

New Truck Demo Program Launches in California’s Central Valley

September 23, 2020The largest truck demo program of its kind in California is set to start this October in the Central Valley with 30 demo vehicles available.

Valley Fleet Support

ACT Virtual Keynote Speaker Jay Craig

ACT Virtual Wraps Module 3: Advanced Transportation Investor Summit

September 23, 2020ACT Virtual brought together investors and entrepreneurs who are bullish on EVs, but see a longer timeframe for automation and hydrogen.


Environmental image of wind turbines

Image: Charl Floscher on Unsplash

ACT 101: Overview of U.S. Environmental Policy

September 22, 2020Environmental policy in the U.S. has responded to the topic of climate change and the business environment for transportation.


Propane School Bus Image

Image: PERC

Propane Autogas School Bus Success Translates to Commercial Fleets

September 15, 2020School bus fleets are successfully transitioning to propane autogas, which shows this energy source can also be used in commercial fleets.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

ACT Virtual Speaker Jay Craig

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Virtual Launches the Advanced Transportation Investor Summit

September 9, 2020ACT Virtual will host the first-of-its-kind Advanced Transportation Investor Summit focusing on investment trends in clean tech.


Heavy-Duty EVs from Daimler

Image: Freightliner

Early Adopters of Heavy-Duty EVs

September 9, 2020As more fleets look to medium- and heavy-duty EVs, they can benefit from the lessons learned by early adopters of EV deployments.

Fleet Owner

Electrification Coalition Image of Natalia Swalnick

Image: ACT News

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: The Electrification Coalition Promotes Policies and Actions to Accelerate Deployment of EVs on a Mass Scale

September 8, 2020An ACT Virtual Executive Interview with Natalia Swalnick to hear how the Electrification Coalition strategies advance electric mobility.

Biogas fuels beer truck

Image: Anheuser-Busch

Biogas Americas Live Kicks Off with Keynote from Anheuser-Busch and Andretti Harding Steinbrenner Racing

September 8, 2020BIOGAS AMERICAS LIVE will kick off with a keynote session featuring Anheuser-Busch and Andretti Harding Steinbrenner Racing.

American Biogas Council